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These labs were realized end of 2020. So different behaviors could be observed today with last releases, in a good or a bad way.

Archives posted are not production-ready and can carry unused/incomplete config parts

Analyzes and conclusions are not an absolute truth. So if you have remarks/advices, please share :)

Lab Target

The target of the lab is to build a multivendor lab, with an architecture reflecting those deployed in customers' environment.

This lab will be constructed in several steps, starting in a virtual version, followed by a physical one.

For the moment, we are working on typical "modern" datacenters implementations :

  • EVPN/VXLAN layer 2 only
  • EVPN/VXLAN layer 2 + layer 3 per rack (ou layer 3 anycast gw)
  • EVPN within MPLS en L2/L3
  • "standard" IP Fabric

Host specifications

Server : - Intel Xeon E5-1660v3 - 64GB DDR4 ECC 2133MHz - 2x HDD SATA 4TB Datacenter Class Soft RA System : VMware ESXi 6.7 U3

Software versions :

All network devices instances run within EVE-NG software , here EVE-NG 2.0.3-110 The software has been installed with an OVF available on the website

Regarding the vendors images, they have been downloaded on the vendors portals (or provided by them directly).

  • Arista : veos-4.24.1F
  • Juniper MX : 20.1R1.11-limited-VCP
  • Juniper QFX : 18.4R1.8
  • Juniper SRX : next-gen 20.1R1.11
  • Nokia : 7750 VSR-I timos-20.7R1

Password used :

  • Nokia : admin:nokia2020
  • Arista : admin: <-- no password
  • Juniper : root:Juniper
  • Cumulus : cumulus:CumulusLinux!


The target of this lab is to put in place a setup providing a "cross-dc" switch, multi-vendor, based on EVPN/VXLAN technology.

In this lab, we have :

  • Arista devices as Spine nodes
  • Spine nodes carry directly DCI connections
  • Local Spine share the same autonomous system
  • Leaf devices are from different vendors : Juniper, Arista, Nokia and Cumulus
  • attached host are single-homed and are simulated by Arista instances. Thus allowing to test N vlans at the same time
  • EVPN uses VXLAN encapsulation, the control plane is BGP base. All nodes have dedicated private ASN (except for local SPINE)
  • Underlay is managed by eBGP sessions, where only Loopback IPs are distributed. Those IPs are used as VTEP IPs by LEAF nodes
  • Overlay is managed by eBGP multihop sessions between loopback IPs. Well think to only activate EVPN family for those sessions + define the upsate-source IP (loopback IP)

Configurations + diagrams

Lab-mvendor-vxlan-l2-nok-ars-jun-cum.jpeg []

L2-L3-mvendor-vxlan-direct-dci.png []


Juniper vQFX supports only vlan-aware-bundle service in VXLAN (one EVPN instance for N VLAN)

On Arista you can choose either use VLAN-BASED or VLAN-AWARE-BUNDLE

    vlan 100
       route-target both 65000:100
       redistribute learned


    vlan-aware-bundle LAB
       route-target both 65000:100
       redistribute learned
       vlan 100

On Nokia I've only found the way to do vlan-based.

It can be seen in type-routes (ether tag id part in yellow bellow) :

Arista vlan-based :

root@QFX_DC1> show route | match 2:

Arista vlan-bundle (the ::0:: is replaced by ::100::):

root@QFX_DC1> show route | match 2:

Juniper vlan-bundle :

root@QFX_DC1> show route | match 2:

Nokia vlan based :

root@QFX_DC1> show route | match 2:

2: MAC/IP<div></div>

So, the border effect is that on Arista devices, fdb install routes basing on ether tag id. Juniper doesn't do that (as Nokia)

Juniper DC1 output

root@QFX_DC1> show ethernet-switching table
MAC flags (S - static MAC, D - dynamic MAC, L - locally learned, P - Persistent static<div></div>
            SE - statistics enabled, NM - non configured MAC, R - remote PE MAC, O - ovsdb MAC)
Ethernet switching table : 6 entries, 6 learned
Routing instance : default-switch<div></div>
    Vlan                MAC                 MAC      Logical                Active
    name                address             flags    interface              source
    VL_100              50:01:00:06:09:e7   D        vtep.32770                     NOKIA-DC2
    VL_100              50:01:00:36:5f:a1   D        vtep.32773                   JUNIPER-DC2
    VL_100              50:01:00:3e:d9:dc   D        vtep.32769                     ARISTA-DC1
    VL_100              50:01:00:65:ae:e8   D        vtep.32772                     NOKIA-DC1
    VL_100              50:01:00:96:6b:29   D        xe-0/0/3.0          
    VL_100              50:01:00:cd:ff:68   D        vtep.32771                       ARISTA-DC2

Nokia DC1 output

<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
Forwarding Database, Service 100 ServId     MAC               Source-Identifier       Type     Last Change
             Transport:Tnl-Id                         Age      

----100        50:01:00:06:09:e7 vxlan-1:                Evpn     10/15/20 08:50:03                           NOKIA-DC2<div></div>
100        50:01:00:36:5f:a1 vxlan-1:                Evpn     10/15/20 08:50:03                               JUNIPER-DC2<div></div>
100        50:01:00:3e:d9:dc vxlan-1:                Evpn     10/15/20 09:16:27                           ARISTA-DC1<div></div>
100        50:01:00:65:ae:e8 sap:1/1/c2/1:100        L/150    10/13/20 16:51:07

100        50:01:00:96:6b:29 vxlan-1:                Evpn     10/15/20 08:50:03                             JUNIPER-DC1<div></div>
100        50:01:00:cd:ff:68 vxlan-1:                Evpn     10/15/20 08:51:55                               ARISTA-DC2<div></div>

Arista DC2 output

vlan-aware bundle :

LEAF-ARS-DC2#show mac address-table
           Mac Address Table
----Vlan    Mac Address       Type        Ports      Moves   Last Move<div></div>
---------------       ----        -----      -----   ---------<div></div>
  100    5001.0036.5fa1    DYNAMIC     Vx1        1       0:37:45 ago     JUNIPER-DC2
  100    5001.003e.d9dc    DYNAMIC     Vx1        1       0:13:14 ago    ARISTA-DC1
  100    5001.0096.6b29    DYNAMIC     Vx1        1       0:37:45 ago     JUNIPER-DC1
  100    5001.00cd.ff68    DYNAMIC     Et2        1       1 day, 19:22:18 ago

Only mac @ for Arista / Juniper are installed even the Nokia routes are well received

LEAF-ARS-DC2#   show bgp evpn rd

BGP routing table information for VRF default

Router identifier, local AS number 65021

Route status codes: s - suppressed, * - valid, > - active, E - ECMP head, e - ECMP<div></div>
                     S - Stale, c - Contributing to ECMP, b - backup
                     % - Pending BGP convergence
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

AS Path Attributes: Or-ID - Originator ID, C-LST - Cluster List, LL Nexthop - Link Local Nexthop<div></div>
           Network                Next Hop              Metric  AIGP       LocPref Weight  Path
  * >Ec   RD: mac-ip 5001.0065.aee8
                                 -       100     0       65002 65001 65012 i
  *  ec   RD: mac-ip 5001.0065.aee8
                                 -       100     0       65002 65001 65012 i
  * >Ec   RD: imet
                                 -       100     0       65002 65001 65012 i
  *  ec   RD: imet
                                 -       100     0       65002 65001 65012 i

compared to Juniper routes for example :

LEAF-ARS-DC2#   show bgp evpn rd

BGP routing table information for VRF default

Router identifier, local AS number 65021

Route status codes: s - suppressed, * - valid, > - active, E - ECMP head, e - ECMP<div></div>
                     S - Stale, c - Contributing to ECMP, b - backup
                     % - Pending BGP convergence
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

AS Path Attributes: Or-ID - Originator ID, C-LST - Cluster List, LL Nexthop - Link Local Nexthop<div></div>
           Network                Next Hop              Metric  AIGP       LocPref Weight  Path
  * >Ec   RD: mac-ip 100 5001.0096.6b29
                                 -       100     0       65002 65001 65013 i

Ether tag id makes the difference for me.

So, since no type 2 routes is received, the packets from Arista to Nokia are processed as BUM (so sent to all VTEP from the VXLAN instance).

Some tests wee done with L3 routing, details coming