Basic of routermode
Router- Modi und the acceptation:
Router> Usermode
Router# privilege mode
Router(config)# global configurationsmode
Router(config-if)# interface mode
Router(config-router)# configurationmode for routing-protocols
Definition und Möglichkeiten:
In this mode you get automatical after the connection with the router an the computer. The Usermode is the lowest mode and you can't make very mutch.
Type the command ? in and you will see all possible commands of this mode.
For example:
Router>? Exec commands:
enable Turn on privileged commands exit Exit from the EXEC logout Exit from the EXEC ping Send echo messages show Show running system information traceroute Trace route to destination
acceptation of commands:
enable: This is the most important command of this mode. So you get in the privilege mode.
exit: With this command you can exit the router and with recurrence pushing of the RETURN- key you can enter the usermode.
logout: With this command you can exit the router and with recurrence pushing of the RETURN- key you can enter the usermode.
ping: The ping command send echo messages to interfaces and network device and so you can check the accessible of the devices. You need only the IP-Address from the Interface/device
show: The show command give you information of your system or config, but you need a furthermore syntax.
You can find the syntax with show ?.
traceroute: With this command you can find the used route to your desitination out. That can be very helpfull for searching mistakes.
privilege mode:
You will get in this mode after typing enable in the usermode.
Now you have more access than in the usermode, you will see that after typing ? The most important command of this mode is configure , so you will get into the global configurationmode.
For example:
Exec commands:
Clear Reset functions Configure Enter configuration mode Copy Copy from one file to another Debug Debugging functions (see also ‘undebug‘) Disable Turn off privileged commands Enable Turn on privileged commands Erase Erase a filesystem Exit Exit from the EXEC Logout Exit from the EXEC No Disable debugging informations Ping Send echo messages Reload Halt and perform a cold restart Show Show running system information Traceroute Trace route to destination Undebug Disable debugging functions (see also ‘debug‘) Write Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal
acceptation of commands:
Clear This command will delete your arp-cache or your cdp table, but you musst enter folowing syntax:
Clear arp-cache to delete the ARP-cache (Address Resolution Protocol). Clear cdp to delete your CPD table(Cisco Discovery Protocol).
Configure This is the most important command of this mode, type this command and you will get in the configurations mode. You can also type configure terminal or conf t Copy You can copy/save following:
copy running-config You will save your actually config copy startup-config You will save your startup config.
Disable you will disable the enable commands
Enable You will activate the enable commands
Erase This command will delete your NVRAM. Your hole config will be lost!
Exit With this command you can exit the router and with recurrence pushing of the RETURN- key you can enter the usermode.
Logout With this command you can exit the router and with recurrence pushing of the RETURN- key you can enter the usermode.
No You will deactivate some configurations.
No IP You will erase your ip settings.
Ping The ping command send echo messages to interfaces and network device and so you can check the accessible of the devices. You need only the IP-Address from the Interface/device. the syntax is:ping <Ziel IP- Adresse>
Reload To restart your Switch or Router.
show: The show command give you information of your system or config, but you need a furthermore syntax.
You can find the syntax with show ?.
Traceroute With this command you can find the used route to your desitination out. That can be very helpfull for searching mistakes.
Write You can do following:
write terminal you will write your actually settings in the terminal. Write memory you will write your actally settings in the NVRAM. write erase DYou will erase your NVRAM! All settings and configurations will be lost!
global configurationmode:
From this mode, you can config your router/ switch an it's possible to join othe modi. for example: Interface serial 0/0 to configure the serial interface 0/0.
For example:
Configure commands:
access-list: Add an access list entry cdp: Global CDP configuration subcommands enable: Modify enable password parameters end: Exit from configure mode exit: Exit from configure mode hostname: Set system‘s network name Interface: Select an interface to configure Ip: Global IP configuration subcommands Line: Configure a terminal line No: Negate a command or set its defaults Router: Enable a routing process Username: Establish User Name Authentication
acceptation of commands:
access-list: You can create access- lists.
cdp: To get into the globale CDP configuration submode.
enable: You will set a password or change it.
end: You will leave the global configurationsmode.
exit: You will leave the global configurationsmode.
hostname: To give the device a name.
Interface: To config an interface
Interface Ethernet <Interfacenumber> To edit a ethernet Interface.
Interface GigabitEthernet <Interfacenumber> To config a GigabitEthernet Interface. Interface Serial <Interfacenumber> To config a serial Interface.
Ip: You can do following:
ip access-list to edit an access-list ip dhcp pool <Poolname> To create a dhcp pool. ip dhcp excluded- address <IP- Adresse> to exluded an IP-Address from the dhcp pool. ip nat pool <Poolname> To create a nat pool ip nat inside to change a intern IP-Address to an extern. ip route <destinationaddress subnetmask Next Hop [metric]> To create a static route
Line: To change into the line-mode .
No: Verweigern Sie einen Befehl oder Standardwerte.
Router: To get into the configmode for routing protokolls.
Type following in:
router rip um rip als Routing Protokoll zu wählen. router eigrp um eigrp als Routing Protokoll zu definieren.
Username: You will create an user
In this mode you will configure your interface.
For example:
Arp Set arp type (arpa, probe, snap) or timeout Bandwidth Set bandwidth informational parameter cdp CDP interface subcommands delay Specify interface throughput delay description Interface specific description duplex Configure duplex operation. Exit Exit from interface configuration mode ip Interface Internet Protocol config commands mac-address Manually set interface MAC address no Negate a command or set its defaults shutdown Shutdown the selected interface speed Configure speed operation.
acceptation of commands:
Arp To choose the arp type or timeoute .
Bandwidth Give a Interface a maximal bandwidth. Choose a parameter between 1 und 10000000 kbit per sec.
cdp To activate the CPD protokoll.
description To descripe the interface
duplex To configure following:
duplex auto Set duplex of auto. duplex full set duplex of full. duplex half set duplex of half.
Exit Mto leave to interfacemode.
ip To edit the ip-address from this interface:
ip address <IP- Address subnetmask> to attach a IP- Address and subnetmask. ip access-list to attach a Access List
mac-address to attach a MAC-Address
no to delete a command
shutdown to activate the interface
speed to configur the speed of this interface:
10 Force set the speet to 10Mb/sec 100 Force set the speet to100 Mbps . auto Enable set the speed auto.
configurationsmoe for Routing-protocolls:
This mode is necessary to config different routing-protocolls. So you have an alternative to static route. Example for possible protocolls: RIP, IGRP, EIGRP
The most importent command is network <IP-Address subnetmask>. Now the router know his neighbor an send the pakets.